Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So... What have I been up to the past few days? Lots of stuff. VERY busy.

Sunday Morning Mom and I attended Springdale Baptist Church to watch a family friend preach. Awesome church service. After church, we came home and I made lunch. We decided to head over to a friend's house to lay by the pool for a little while. We enjoyed chatting and tanning with Karen. It was a blast. We then came home and relaxed the rest of the evening.
Monday, my mom had a doctor's appointment in Maryville so we were up bright and early for that. She had to head back to work, so I went grocery shopping and then came home and caught up on some laundry and dishes. I made chicken for dinner and then we lounged around that night.
Tuesday, Mom had to work and I was officially on Summer break. I tried to sleep in, but for some reason my body still thinks I should be waking up early. I done some laundry, read some blogs, and then I started getting ready. That afternoon, I went out with a group of friends to watch "Bridesmaids" and have dinner. We had a blast and I must say that the movie was hilarious. It was totally the girl version of the "Hangover."
Today... I can't say I've done much of nothing. I have stayed in my pj's and caught up on shows and blogged. I think I'm going to pick up the house and cook Spagetti for dnner!

Peace and Love,

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lousy Blogger

So I have been such a lazy blogger lately. I have been reading everyone's though. I can never find enough time during the day to write a post.
We finally wrapped up the end of the school year. I never thought I would see the day that we would finally have Summer break. Today was graduation for the senior class of 2011. It was such a bittersweet moment and yes I did cry. I didn't cry because of the seniors walking out of that building today, because I know they have the whole world in front of them, but I cried because of such an amazing person that the class of 2011 lost. Andy Harmon would have been walking across that stage today with out a doubt with that huge "Andy Harmon smile." I know he is in such a better place and is looking down on his family, friends, and former classmates, but it seems so unfair to have to face these milestones without him. I try not to question why Andy was taken so young and in such a horrible way, because I know he is sitting on the right hand of our Father and is experiencing something that none of us on Earth can even imagine. It still doesn't make these things easier though. Knowing that we are approaching the year anniversary of his death means that all his family and friends have had to face holidays, birthdays, and graduation without Andy. I know I shouldn't be selfish, because as I mentioned earlier I know he is in such a better place, but I just wish it made it somewhat easier.
I hope the class of 2011 accomplishes each and every one of their hopes and dreams.
After graduation I attended my cousin's grad party and then it was off to a birthday party. I had a great time with family and friends. I also ran/walked the front 9 of the golf course this evening and although I'm sleepy, it felt great to work out! I may see a new addiction in my near future.
I told you I had been busy. I'll try to blog more tomorrow.

Peace and Love,

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful, wonderful, amazing Mom!
I love you so much!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Questions for the Weekend

1. What I love most about my home is It's somewhere that I can relax, it's where my heart is. I love fixing up my home and my doors are always opened to my family and friends!

2. I'm excited because, My 16th birthday is on Monday!

3. My preferred method for blowing off steam when I'm frustrated is to get some Facebook and Blog time in,also to whine to my best guy friend, which he loves! :P

4. Currently I am craving Brownies.

5. The thing I love most about my mom is She is totally a go-getter! She does what makes her happy and she is one of the strongest people I know. She loves to help people!

6. If I was going to write a book about my life, the title would be "A Work in Progess"

7. If I were to eat one thing for the rest of eternity it would be Chicken Nachos!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommies and Mommy to be's!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Long Week....

It's been such a long and dragging week. Needless to say I'm laying on the couch watching HGTV in my jammies and working on laundry! Lazy I know, but I'm wore out! Tomorrow I'm only doing half a day of school! Wahooooo!! :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy Tuesday,

So glad I feel better than I did this time last week. I was seriously miserable.
Thursday evening I spent the evening with my BFF and helped her get ready for prom on Friday. So much fun and I'm so glad I got to share such a special moment with her. We had a blast and she looked beautiful for the special occasion.
Saturday morning, Mom and I headed out early for Abingdon. One of Mom's childhood friends lives in Abingdon and invited us to spend a weekend with them. We met up and had lunch in Bristol and watched Shannon's youngest daughter Callee-Scout's ballet recital at the Parmount theater. It was so beautiful. After the ballet we went back to the "Love Shack" as Shannon refers to it as, rested up, and headed out to dinner. We decided on dinner at the famous "Pop Ellis's Soda Shop." It was really good and original. After we ate, we headed to the "Carter Fold."
Sunday morning, Mom and I slept in while the Love's attended their church services. After chatting for a little while we headed back home. We stopped at Kobe's Japanese Steakhouse and grabbed some lunch. Let me tell you it was super yummy!
Monday was filled with lots of madness trying to get back in the routine of school after prom. We are also taking EOC's this week so we're still not on a normal schedule. Monday evening, my family all met up to eat dinner at our local Mexican restaurant for my Mimi's birthday. Such a great time with the people I love the most!
Today has been a rainy, dreary day.. A good for nothing day. It's not been a very good day and I'm ready to go to bed and try it again tomorrow...
My English 2 end of course is tomorrow. Wish me luck and send a small prayer up for me please.

On another note: MAY is here! This is one of my most favorite months. My birthday is the 9th, we get out of school the 20th, and just a ton of other things going on that makes me super excited! Summer is almost here loves! :D

Peace and Love,