Friday, December 30, 2011
Friday Re-Cap
Today has been a great day. I slept in, woke up and started getting ready. Mom, Mariah, and I headed to Knoxville for the evening. Mom was in need of a pedi so Mariah and I tagged along. We ate Japanese at Kobe's which was delicious. Mariah and I stopped at my all time favorite ice cream shop; Marble Slab. Yummy. Now I'm just lazing around the house. Great relaxing, low key day! :)
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Christmas Break... Need I say more?
I'm thankful for Christmas Break. This past semester about killed me. I didn't think we'd ever get to break. On top of a hectic semester, we've been super busy. We've had something every single weekend since before Thanksgiving. Needless to say, I've lazied around the house all day. I may or may not have slept till 12:30. I know, pure laziness. But that's okay... It's Christmas break. We're finishing up our shopping tomorrow and will start our baking tomorrow evening. I'm super excited to be spending Christmas with the best family ever! Back to my electric blanket and zzzz's!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Having to wake up early in the mornings. I NEVER get to sleep in anymore. With school 5 days a week, Saturday mornings spent at the gym, and Sunday mornings church, I officially don't get to "sleep in."
{trying to like}
Getting more rest at night. I have to sacrifice an hour or so at night, but I feel a little better in the mornings. I'm trying to have lights off by 11 at the latest. Last night I was out by 10!
That after for working for two months, every single Sunday, I am no longer at that job which means I'm now back in church. :)
My amazing family and friends!!!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
I'm back..
I've finally recovered from my surgery earlier last month. I had a hard time recovering, but I'm finally up to par. October was a busy month and it went by entirely to fast. Lots of fun this past month. Hayrides, bonfires, food, family, friends, cool weather, jeans, hoodies, boots. Ahh, yes I <3 Fall. It has become extremely cold very quickly. We pretty much went from Summer to Winter over night. I also ran my first 5k a couple weekends ago. Wonderful experience and yes I'll be doing another one as soon as Winter is over. Just to give you a little idea of how busy I've been these past few weeks here's a look inside my day.
6:15- Wake up!
6:15-6:30 Breakfast... Usually cereal or oatmeal and a banana
6:30-6:45 Shower
6:45-7:30 Get dressed, hair, and make up
7:30-7:45 Get everything ready to walk out the door and try not to be late
7:55-2:50 School!!!
3:00-4:00 I try to make this my quite time. Usually Dr. Phil and Blogging
4:00-6:00 Usually planning and cooking dinner somewhere between this time
6:30 Head to the gym
6:45-8:00 45 minutes of Cardio with 30 minutes of machines
8:15-9:00 Laundry, Dishes, just small chores that need to be done before bed
9:00-10:00 Nightly face routine, brush teeth, take meds, and rest in bed. Usually with tv
10:00 Lights out!
Of course, this is how my schedule goes on a good day. There's constantly something that changes up my day and throws me for a loop.
Much different from my last post about how my Summer days were going.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
I know I haven't blogged in forever, but I promise I've been reading everybody's post. I've just not been able to find time to do my own blogging. Life is crazy busy, like it normally is.
We are actually on Fall Break at the moment, but I'm not spending mine the way I would like to. Unfortunately, I've been laid up in bed. I had to have oral surgery Friday morning on my wisdom teeth, so I'm not feeling the best in the world. I'm pretty much sleeping and taking medicine to keep the pain to a minimum. Also having to keep ice and heat on my mouth. It was my first surgery and I done well, but the recovery is becoming very rough. There's just not much fun in having four stitches in your mouth. Let's just say, after I recover, I'll probably never want to look at mashed potatoes, pudding, and Gatorade for a very long time.
My momma has been awesome during this time. She has taken such good care of me.
Thanks to everyone for calling, texting, Facebooking, and praying for me during this time.
I hope to be back to blogging as soon as I recover...
Love to all,
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
End of Summer
Hello my loves,
I know I've been a terrible blogger these past few weeks, but quite honestly I'm trying to enjoy my last days of Summer. Yes, all that is included on a normal day is sleeping, working out, cooking dinner, and straightening the house. I love Summer time, but this has been a very hot one. It has flew by and I'm having mixed feelings about going back to school in less than 7 days. I'm so ready for cooler weather and fall time, but I'm sad to see another summer gone.
I'm also having a hard time grasping the fact that I only have two more years of high school left. I know that seems like a long time to some of you, but the days seem to fly by so fast, that I'm dreading it terribly. Don't get me wrong, I'm ready for college, nursing school, meeting my soul mate, planning a wedding, and having kids some day, but I'm also wanting to soak up my last few years of being young and care free. I also don't want to lose touch with my friends, which I know will happen and new ones with come and go. It's just something hard for me to grasp! I know I'm being a little bit of a sap, but hey this is life right? :)
I'm going to list a normal summer day for me just so you guys can see how lazy I am these days.
7:30-8:30: Usually I wake up around the time my mom leaves for work, go ahead and eat my breakfast, check Facebook, and read the blogs that have been posted that morning. Also I usually turn on either CMT or TLC and listen to whatever is on..
8:30-10:30: You guys surely didn't think I was up for the day did you? ;) I usually nap during this time, that is if I don't have any major plans for the day.
10:30-11:00: I usually get a small morning snack and get back on the computer for a little while. I also let the dog outside for a little while to play.
11:00-12:00: During this time, I usually try to straighten the house up. Feed and water the pets, change the litter box, change the trash, and straighten up the living room from the night before. I also lay out meat to thaw for dinner that night.
12:00-1:00: I make some lunch and just lounge around for a little while.
1:00-3:00 I usually take an afternoon nap between this time. Especially, if I didn't take a morning nap. I know you all are thinking, this girl sleeps entirely too much. Yes, I know. I love hoarding sleep. ;)
3:00-4:00 I wake up from a nap, grab a little snack and get ready.
4:00-5:00: I finish getting ready and wash dishes. Around 5:15 I head out town for Zumba on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
5:30-6:30: I get my Zumba on! :)
6:30-7:00- 10- 15 minutes on the treadmill and then lift weights.
7:00: Head home from the gym and start supper.
7:45-8:15: Eat dinner and chat with mom about the day.
8:15: Clean up the kitchen from dinner.
8:45-10:30: Relax and watch tv.
10:30-11:30: Lay in bed and Facebook and read blogs.
11:30-7:30: Bed time.
Yes, I know I'm going to be in a world of hurt once school starts, but hey isn't that what summer is for? :)
I'm also about to sign up for my first 5k and start training for it. It'll be October 22nd in Knoxville!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Simple Things
<3 Fresh mopped floors.
<3 The smell of fresh cut grass in the Summer.
<3 Fall time; Sitting on the bleachers while watching a football game in 40 degree weather.
<3 Spending hours on the phone with a friend and always having something to talk about.
<3 Snuggling with my baby cousin, Railynn Grace.
<3 Freshly washed sheets.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Playing Catch Up...
Hello my Bloggy Lovies,
Sorry that I've been MIA.
Let's see...
This past week I was a total beach bum.
Sunday, we left about 6 am and headed to Myrtle Beach, SC. It was a long ride and we got a little restless about half way through. We finally arrived at the hotel about 2:30, checked in, and headed to our room. Forget the unpacking, we headed straight for the swim suits and went down to the beach. Since it was already later in the afternoon when we got there, we only spent about an hour on the beach and by the pool. We grabbed a quick dinner at Dairy Queen along with ice cream and headed back to the hotel. I think we were in bed before 10 that night... Hey it was vacation right? :)
Monday, was our first full day. It was super hot with a heat index of 108 by lunch, but hey we had our toes in the water and a$$ in the sand so we didn't really care! We spent the majority of the day laying on the beach and floating the lazy river. We finally headed back to the room and got ready. We decided on Olive Garden for dinner and boy was it yummy. Half way through dinner I discovered, I had way to much sun for the day. We made a quick trip to K Mart to pick up a few things and headed back to the hotel. We walked the beach that evening and it was so peaceful. We turned in pretty early that night too.
Tuesday, our second full day. I was totally miserable from an awful sunburn. I ended up wearing lounge clothes down to the beach and sitting under the umbrella for the first half of the day. It was scorching hot that day too so by lunch time I was ready to lay low in the room for the rest of the day. We got ready and headed to a Japanese grill in North Myrtle. Super yummy even though I was still pretty miserable. When we got back to the room, Tim, Jimmie, and Emily were about to head out to play putt putt and sweet Emily wanted me to tag along. Of course, I did. We had a nice breeze blowing the entire time so it wasn't too miserably hot. We ended up back at the hotel and in bed watching TV the rest of the evening.
Wednesday, our last full day. :( I was finally able to move around a little better. Emily and I stayed in the room until the pool opened at 9, while the rest of the bunch headed down to the beach. I wasn't quite sure if I was ready to hit the beach just yet. It gave us a little time to spend quality time together. That kid thinks I hung the moon and she's beyond sweet. We spent the first half of the day in the indoor pool and a few quick trips to the lazy river, but I was still being some what of a vampire. After we ate lunch, I decided that I would spend some time in the ocean. Considering it was our last day there, I was determined to enjoy it. We headed out to shop that afternoon and ate at Sticky Fingers. Great food and we all had a blast. We came back and packed up. We were all asleep before 9:30.
Thursday, it started early. We woke up around 4:30 and left the hotel around 5:45. Bitter sweet. Sad to leave, but happy to be coming home. We ate at IHOP and then we trucked on back home. Got stuck in traffic two miles from home... Wouldn't you know. Finally made it home around 3:30.
There's a review of vacation. I'll post about this weekend, tomorrow!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
From Mrs. to Mama: Scentsy Giveaway.... Holler
From Mrs. to Mama: Scentsy Giveaway.... Holler
Everyone check out this awesome giveaway that is happening now! :)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Weekend Re-Cap
Let's see...
My weekend consisted of lots of relaxing and just spending time doing things I wanted to do.
Friday, after I got done babysitting I headed home and got ready quickly, ran to the bank to deposit my check, and headed to El Mariachi to eat some dinner with two of my besties, Emily and Samantha. After that, I came home and Mom and I ended up going to Middlesboro. I had spotted some super cute shorts a few weeks ago in JC Penny's but thought I don't need those. I have no place to wear them to. Well soon after, I met my new addiction, Zumba. So I had an excuse to buy some. Super comfy and they're perfect for Zumba. We got home and I crashed. I was exhausted and had to wake up early.
Saturday morning, I headed to Zumba at 10. My first Saturday going and I was so glad I did. I seriously hate missing a class. After that I came home for a little while and tidied up the house and freshened up. Mom came home and we headed to Knoxville to have a Sushi date... My favorite! :) We ate at Shono's in the City and it was so yummy! We also stopped on the way home and got her car cleaned up. So we sat and chatted for about 45 minutes and we may or may not have been looking at the dudes washing it! ;) We headed home pretty early and just laid around.
I was up again early on Sunday for church. Dad and I attended church and then grabbed some Taco Bell for lunch. I headed to my bestest's house for her little sis's birthday party! We enjoyed chatting and just having fun! I decided to spend the night with her since Mom was working late and ended up waking up around 4:30 this morning... Terrible!!! I've been super sleepy all day. What can I say... There's no rest for the wicked!
Peace and Love,
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Long Week
Let's see...
It's only Wednesday. I spent Monday and Tuesday just lounging around, catching up on laundry, and cleaning my bedroom.
Today was spent babysitting for my cousin. Whew, who knew that a 5 year old and a 17 month old could wear a girl out! I came home and crashed this afternoon. I finally cooked me some dinner and since then I've been sitting in bed, reading blogs, and watching HGTV. I plan to finish cleaning up a little, shower, and hit the bed. After all, 6:45 comes early during the Summer!
Tomorrow and Friday I will still be babysitting. I also have Zumba tomorrow at 6. Have I mentioned how much I love it? :)
Other than that, I think this weekend I'm going to stay pretty low key. No major plans so I think it'll be one of those stay in your pj's all weekend and rest. Sounds perfect to me.
Also, it super close to time for the beach! I am so ready to soak up some sun, swim, eat, and enjoy nightly walks on the beach. Sounds like a little slice of Heaven to me! :)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Can you say Zumba?
Good Afternoon Lovies,
I know I haven't updated in a week, but I've totally been a busy little bee.
I mentioned in my post last week, that I was going to my first Zumba class. I was super excited and nervous at the same time. You may ask why I was nervous, well for me to attend an exercise class was a HUGE step! I am very self conscious and don't like to work out in front of a lot of people.. Especially women that are fit! So that being said, I luckily talked my bff into going with me so it would make it a little easier. Let me tell you, I LOVED it! The instructors were so nice and made the class so much fun! I was super sore on Wednesday, but I missed not having it that day. Thursday rolled around and I couldn't wait for 6pm. I was counting down the time to go... EXERCISE! Never in my life did I think I would be so eager for a work out class. I planned on attending the Saturday morning class, but unfortunately I wasn't feeling well and skipped out. So you ask me where I may be at 6 tonight? That's right, I'll be getting my Zumba on! :)
Monday, June 13, 2011
I haven't blogged in forever!!! Absolutely no excuse either!
This Summer is probably the most laid back summer I've had in years! I have slept in and laid around every day! We did have Bible School last week which was a huge success! Other than that, I've been laying pretty low!
I'm super excited for my first Zumba class tomorrow! The bff and I signed up this morning for the 6pm class and I'm anticipating it! :)
Also, I'm joining a local Women's Gym on Wednesday! I am super excited! I hope to lose at least 15-20 pounds my August! Hello, Gym Membership! :)
Peace and Love,
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
So... What have I been up to the past few days? Lots of stuff. VERY busy.
Sunday Morning Mom and I attended Springdale Baptist Church to watch a family friend preach. Awesome church service. After church, we came home and I made lunch. We decided to head over to a friend's house to lay by the pool for a little while. We enjoyed chatting and tanning with Karen. It was a blast. We then came home and relaxed the rest of the evening.
Monday, my mom had a doctor's appointment in Maryville so we were up bright and early for that. She had to head back to work, so I went grocery shopping and then came home and caught up on some laundry and dishes. I made chicken for dinner and then we lounged around that night.
Tuesday, Mom had to work and I was officially on Summer break. I tried to sleep in, but for some reason my body still thinks I should be waking up early. I done some laundry, read some blogs, and then I started getting ready. That afternoon, I went out with a group of friends to watch "Bridesmaids" and have dinner. We had a blast and I must say that the movie was hilarious. It was totally the girl version of the "Hangover."
Today... I can't say I've done much of nothing. I have stayed in my pj's and caught up on shows and blogged. I think I'm going to pick up the house and cook Spagetti for dnner!
Peace and Love,
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Lousy Blogger
So I have been such a lazy blogger lately. I have been reading everyone's though. I can never find enough time during the day to write a post.
We finally wrapped up the end of the school year. I never thought I would see the day that we would finally have Summer break. Today was graduation for the senior class of 2011. It was such a bittersweet moment and yes I did cry. I didn't cry because of the seniors walking out of that building today, because I know they have the whole world in front of them, but I cried because of such an amazing person that the class of 2011 lost. Andy Harmon would have been walking across that stage today with out a doubt with that huge "Andy Harmon smile." I know he is in such a better place and is looking down on his family, friends, and former classmates, but it seems so unfair to have to face these milestones without him. I try not to question why Andy was taken so young and in such a horrible way, because I know he is sitting on the right hand of our Father and is experiencing something that none of us on Earth can even imagine. It still doesn't make these things easier though. Knowing that we are approaching the year anniversary of his death means that all his family and friends have had to face holidays, birthdays, and graduation without Andy. I know I shouldn't be selfish, because as I mentioned earlier I know he is in such a better place, but I just wish it made it somewhat easier.
I hope the class of 2011 accomplishes each and every one of their hopes and dreams.
After graduation I attended my cousin's grad party and then it was off to a birthday party. I had a great time with family and friends. I also ran/walked the front 9 of the golf course this evening and although I'm sleepy, it felt great to work out! I may see a new addiction in my near future.
I told you I had been busy. I'll try to blog more tomorrow.
Peace and Love,
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Questions for the Weekend
1. What I love most about my home is It's somewhere that I can relax, it's where my heart is. I love fixing up my home and my doors are always opened to my family and friends!
2. I'm excited because, My 16th birthday is on Monday!
3. My preferred method for blowing off steam when I'm frustrated is to get some Facebook and Blog time in,also to whine to my best guy friend, which he loves! :P
4. Currently I am craving Brownies.
5. The thing I love most about my mom is She is totally a go-getter! She does what makes her happy and she is one of the strongest people I know. She loves to help people!
6. If I was going to write a book about my life, the title would be "A Work in Progess"
7. If I were to eat one thing for the rest of eternity it would be Chicken Nachos!
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommies and Mommy to be's!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Long Week....
It's been such a long and dragging week. Needless to say I'm laying on the couch watching HGTV in my jammies and working on laundry! Lazy I know, but I'm wore out! Tomorrow I'm only doing half a day of school! Wahooooo!! :)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Happy Tuesday,
So glad I feel better than I did this time last week. I was seriously miserable.
Thursday evening I spent the evening with my BFF and helped her get ready for prom on Friday. So much fun and I'm so glad I got to share such a special moment with her. We had a blast and she looked beautiful for the special occasion.
Saturday morning, Mom and I headed out early for Abingdon. One of Mom's childhood friends lives in Abingdon and invited us to spend a weekend with them. We met up and had lunch in Bristol and watched Shannon's youngest daughter Callee-Scout's ballet recital at the Parmount theater. It was so beautiful. After the ballet we went back to the "Love Shack" as Shannon refers to it as, rested up, and headed out to dinner. We decided on dinner at the famous "Pop Ellis's Soda Shop." It was really good and original. After we ate, we headed to the "Carter Fold."
Sunday morning, Mom and I slept in while the Love's attended their church services. After chatting for a little while we headed back home. We stopped at Kobe's Japanese Steakhouse and grabbed some lunch. Let me tell you it was super yummy!
Monday was filled with lots of madness trying to get back in the routine of school after prom. We are also taking EOC's this week so we're still not on a normal schedule. Monday evening, my family all met up to eat dinner at our local Mexican restaurant for my Mimi's birthday. Such a great time with the people I love the most!
Today has been a rainy, dreary day.. A good for nothing day. It's not been a very good day and I'm ready to go to bed and try it again tomorrow...
My English 2 end of course is tomorrow. Wish me luck and send a small prayer up for me please.
On another note: MAY is here! This is one of my most favorite months. My birthday is the 9th, we get out of school the 20th, and just a ton of other things going on that makes me super excited! Summer is almost here loves! :D
Peace and Love,
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Spring Break/ Easter weekend!
Hello Lovies,
I've been a bad blogger this past week, but I just have had too much fun.
Friday, my first day of Spring Break was spent sleeping in and laying around most of the morning. Hey, what can I say, I was in no hurry to get up and get ready on one of the very few days I have off. Around lunch time I got ready and headed out to have lunch with my Dad. We ate at a local drive in (Frostee Mug) and visited the cemetery where my Fraternal grandparents are buried. After spending some time with him, I cam home and hung out with Mom the rest of the evening. Note: I had to wake up at 5:30 the next morning to go to Dollywood.
Saturday morning I woke up early and got ready for the big day ahead. Let me tell you, waking up that early on a Saturday morning shouldn't be aloud! :) But... I was excited to spend the day at Dollywood. We left out about 7:15 and arrived around 9:30. We had a perfect day.. No rain, in the 80's, and I couldn't have picked better people to spend the day with. Needless to say, we arrived home around 10 p.m. and I was totally exhausted.
Sunday morning, we woke up and got ready for church. We decided to surprise my MiMi and showed up at her church. She was pleasantly surprised and we had a good service. Mom was tired and headed home for a nap before starting the cooking for the day. I, on the other hand went to eat Mexican with my Aunt, Uncle, Grandparents, and Cousins. Then I came home and napped myself. I wasn't feeling up to par the rest of the day. We had our family dinner later that evening along with the best friend. We were in bed before 9:30 if that tells you anything.
Monday, Tuesday, and Today I've spent in bed.. Not feeling well at all. I hope I'll be better tomorrow!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend with their family and friends!
Love to all,
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Classy and Fabulous
I must say that reading all these blogs are inspiring me. I love reading about different fashions and beauty tips. Today, Mom and I went to Knoxville. I had to get my nails done and then we ate some dinner a "Gondiler." Let me tell you, nothing makes a girl feel better than pretty pink nails! :) We had so much fun spending the day out in the beautiful weather! I hope everyone has a great week!
Jeans: American Eagle
Cardigan: Gap
Heels: Cato
Purse: COACH
Happy Weekend Lovies
I hope everyone has had an awesome weekend. It has flown by for me. Friday, I came home from school and Mom and I relaxed for a little while, freshened up, and headed to one of our friend's house for her House Warming Party. So much fun!
Saturday was spent doing absolutely nothing. It was so rainy and dreary that I had no motivation and was struggling with a sinus headache. Later that evening we spent time with the fam! We done our Easter dinner and caught up with everybody. We really enjoyed the time together. I came home and crashed early so of course I was awake about 7:45 this morning. I've been catching up on blogs ever since. I'm going to head for the shower and start getting ready, pick up the house some, and then Mom and I are planning on heading to Knoxville to eat Sushi and spend the day enjoying this beautiful weather!
Hope everyone enjoys this beautiful Sunday! :)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Current Book(s):
Flowers for Algernon.
Current Playlist:
Just my slight obsession with Slacker Radio on my Crackberry! :)
Current Color:
OPI Catch Me In Your Nest.
Current Drink:
Milk has been all I've drank tonight. Other than that, just the normal, Water and Diet Mtn, Dew.
Current Food:
Hotdogs and Cookies for dinner tonight.
Current Favorite Show:
Teen Mom and Kate Plus 8.
Current Wishlist:
New Phone. 13 days until I upgrade to an Android!! :)
Current Needs:
To get in bed at a decent time.
Current Triumphs:
Making it through the extended school days!
Current Bane(s) of my Existence:
Staying up way too late on school nights.
Current Celebrity Crush:
Jason Aldean. If he counts! :)
Current #1 Blessing:
My Salvation and Amazing Family!
Current Indulgence:
Current Outfit:
Pajama Pants and a Tank.
Current Excitement:
Dollywood in less than 2 weeks!!
Current Mood:
Sunday, April 10, 2011
My first GTKY!
Link up here
1. do you watch/read the news?
Not usually. Sometimes when I come home in the evenings, I'll turn it on and check the weather for the next few days other than that I usually just look at my WBIR text every morning for the weather.
2. how would you describe your "look"?
I have a very diverse style. One day you may see me in jeans and a t-shirt and the next you may see me in a sequence shirt with heels. Usually I like to wear a cute shirt and dress it up with jewelry. After all accessories are everything! :)
3. did you play sports in high school or college?
Currently in high school and I'm not playing anything yet. I plan on playing golf next year though.
4. would you rather give up lipstick/gloss or high heels?
High heels.
I HAVE to have my lipgloss. Its a MUST before school everyday.
5. what's your favorite show to watch on tv?
I don't watch a lot of TV, but when I do it's usually Teen Mom or Sixteen and Pregnant. I also love Kate Plus 8, House Hunters, and CMT and GAC.
6. would you rather bake or cook?
Either. I love being in the kitchen! :)
7. shorts or skirts?
8. what's your favorite scary movie?
Paranormal Activity or Insidious!
Beautiful Weekend!!!
Busy week last week.. Didn't get to blog any because of being in revival at church through Wednesday night. Thursday I had another appointment to attend. Friday we went to Pigeon Forge and spent the evening. Saturday I had to be up early for the ACT. Glad to have that over with, but anticipating the scores. I came home afterwards and napped and just enjoyed relaxing, headed to the besties house that evening and spent the night. We had a photo shoot booked for this afternoon! SO MUCH fun! I'll post some of them when we get them back! Now I'm gearing up for this week! No more extended school day! WAHOOO!
Peace and Love,
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Wonderful Weekend!!
Hello Friends...
Haven't had the chance to blog all weekend, well I guess I've just not set aside time to blog. Its been B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L outside and I've enjoyed every minute of it.
Friday evening Mom and I took my Grandparents out to dinner at El Paraiso. Can you say yummy? The best Mexican food around here. After we ate we went on a drive through beautiful Grainger Co. We enjoyed the amazing views and just enjoyed the drive by talking, laughing, and making memories. After dropping them off at home, Mom and I decided to rent a movie, came home changed into our pj's and laid around watching the new comedy, "Due Date."
Saturday morning I woke up and got some much needed cleaning in. Mom got ready while I was cleaning and I through my hair in a pony tail, slipped into jeans and a tshirt and we headed out town for a late lunch. Mom had plans to eat dinner and watch a play with some friends and I made some plans with friends myself. I quickly came home, jumped in the shower, and got ready for a night out with some girlfriends. We met up around 6:45 headed to Middlesboro, watched Insidious, and had a late dinner at Wendy's. Mom and I both ended up home around 11:45 and were both wore out!
This morning, we both slept in. (We had decided before bed that we would just sleep in and lounge around the house today.) I slept until about 11 and then decided to get up and eat some breakfast and ended up back in bed for a nap. After seeing what a beautiful day it was turning out to be, Mom and I got ready and headed out town. We decided on Heavy's BBQ and headed for a picnic in Cumberland Gap. It was so sunny and warm and we enjoyed being out of the house. FiFi (our adorable dog) came along with us. We picnicked and then walked around by the creek. After leaving we grabbed an ice cream and headed home. I slipped into my pj's and I've been relaxing ever since. Trying to gear up for another hectic week of school.
I am becoming a BLOG addict just like I thought I would. I enjoy reading them during my winding down time. Usually in the evenings before bed. I like to grab my laptop and see what everyone's been up to! I hope everyone's weekend has been wonderful and you have a spectacular week!
Peace and Love,
Friday, April 1, 2011
Finally Friday!!!
Woah, this week has been hectic! April is FINALLY here and I'm so excited! There's so many events coming up and I'm so ready! I have a few surprises up my sleeve for my Mom's birthday and I'm so excited! Today, I decided to take the day off to sleep in and clean the house. Sometimes you just need the day off. On another note, my Dad lost his job. He has worked with Berkline for years... He's very devastated. My Dad is a hard worker and has always had a job. I pray he finds another job very soon. I know God has a plan for everything. No matter how bad we think things are, He will always provide! I ask for everyone to please keep my Dad in your prayers as he starts a new chapter in his life.
Time to start cleaning.
Peace and Love,
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
It's been a while...
I realized that I've not been blogging like I should. With this hectic life I don't slow down for much. This is the first time I've picked my computer up in probably a week. Let alone uploaded pictures to Facebook. Life is crazy busy right now, but I love it and it's going great. April is approaching fast and its going to be even more hectic. We're wrapping up the end of the school year and I'm more than ready for it. This has been a long year. I feel very accomplished though. I'm ready to be a Junior, but that also means I'm that much closer to graduating. That's a bitter sweet thought. I love High School and spending time with all my friends, but I'm also ready to start college, my career, and my own life. My Family and Friends are amazing me more and more each day. I don't know where in the world I would be without them. They're awesome in every aspect of life. I'm thankful to have family that would go above and beyond for me. Also to have such amazing friends, that I know I can call up at any time of the day and they'll support me. Give me a shoulder to cry on, laugh with me, and encourage me along the way. Of course, I wouldn't have any of this without my amazing God. I'm one blessed girl so I try to stop myself when I start complaining about things. Truthfully, I wouldn't have it any other way!
I plan on trying to blog every day or every couple days from here on out. I think its important to blog so I can look back on all of this. I enjoy reading blogs and I think its an awesome thing to do. Okay, enough blogging for now... Off to get ready for the BFF's sixteenth birthday! Happy Birthday Brittney Taylor Wine! :)
Friday, February 25, 2011
Crazy Life.... But I love it!!
So, I have not updated my blog in a little over a month. Lots of things are happening. Finally the snow is leaving us, but I believe the Spring showers are moving in on us. I love Spring time.. I'm definitely a flip flop kinda gal, so the first warm day of the year you'll see me in flip flops. Spring Semester is going well... A lot easier than last semester. I've faced a lot of changes in the past month or so. Some much needed change, but I wish it had ended on a better note. Something that has made me trust people a lot less, but I now see who truly has my back. I thank God for all the things He puts me through, because it only makes me stronger. I've also finally decided what I'm going to do with my life after High School. I plan on becoming a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. I had said for a little over a year, that I wanted to go into Pharmacy, but with the mind set for money. I want a job that I will love and also be able to support myself as well as a family some day. I love kids and I have always wanted to work with them. I know going into nursing, that it will be difficult and a lengthy process, but I also know with God and my family and friends that I will make it through it. I'm excited to start college dual enrollment classes this upcoming school year. I'm starting to realize that I'm growing up weather I like it or not... ACT, College Registration, and Scholarships... Welcome to the real world! I'm excited, but also scared. I know this is a wonderful opportunity and its something that will pay off in the end. That's about how my life is going right now.. Crazy Hectic, but I love every minute of it!
Peace and Love,
Thursday, January 6, 2011
New Year... New Start!
So as we brought in the New Year, I set new goals. This year is going to be an exciting year and I sure hope its better than 2010. There was some good memories in 2010, but also a lot of heartache. I'm so happy to be turning over a new chapter in my life and starting new. I have a blessed life, but I have been through many hard times this past year. I do thank God for all the trials He has put me through, because it has made me stronger. Without God I wouldn't have made it. My family and friends have also been amazing and helped me through so much! I'm ready for a new start, a new life, and a new me!
Love and Peace to all,
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